The Show

It rarely happens that a novel, which is fiction, can be identified with a place that really exists. In this case, it is the Cortanze Castle, with its gradient gardens and majestic tower.
Strolling in the park of the ancient manor, the author had the idea to liberate the characters from the pages of the novel and set them free in those places that were “familiar” to them.

Tonino Tosto, director of Gruppo Teatro Essere, got the assignment for the theatrical adaptation, and also directed the play. The park of the castle provided a poetic natural stage for the show.
Tosto’s central idea was “to evoke the places, the characters and the situations through voice, music and images.” Therefore, he complemented the actors’ voices with original music played by the company ensemble, and a stage artist who illustrated the action as it unfolded.

Theater and literature are two different expressive forms. One does not replace the other. But both can generate the same emotions.
The show includes only a quarter of the novel, many episodes have been cut, the dialogues have been shortened, many characters have been eliminated, and the narrative structure has been reworked.
However, the show is not just a synopsis of the novel; rather, it is an interpretation, a creative reading.

stage adaptation and direction: Tonino Tosto
music: Ernesto Gordini, Danilo Pace
cast: Chiara Di Stefano, Susy Sergiacomo, Tonino Tosto,  Giacomo Zito
piano: Patrizia Troiani
violin: Anna Trentin
guitar: Danilo Pace
arrangement and orchestration: Ernesto Gordini 
stage artist: Dario Cestaro
production: New Academia Publishing
with the contribution of Castello di Cortanze, Comune di Cortanze, Associazione Comunità Collinare Val Rilate, and Proloco Cortanze.